On occasion, the NABG has to self-reflect and ask some basic questions of itself. What defines us and are we providing value in the arena which we have chosen as an organization? Perhaps one of the most satisfying things associated with the NABG is the fact that the organization has, without a doubt, been able to follow through with its goals to share Earth Science knowledge and opportunities with underrepresented individuals and to give those individuals a platform to share their discovery and work.

Over the years, through the Annual Technical Conference, the organization has brought together countless geoscientists in academia, government, industry and other organizations. The NABG has a culture that is rich with the value of commitment to adhere to its goals and objectives and it has a forty plus year unwavering history to prove that level of commitment. The members and leaders of any organization determine the value of that organization and are essential in the creation of desired attitudes and behaviors that are necessary  for success.  

Culture is a difficult thing to define, however, it is embedded in the efforts, values, and aspirations of an organization. The NABG creates unity among its membership and among like-minded individuals with similar priorities. Through objective transparency, communication, and networking, the organization shares what it believes in and encourages and solicits assistance from others. The NABG clearly understands that it is not just good to have the help of others, it understands that the help of others is vital to survival. The Mission to be supportive of students pursuing degrees in earth and planetary science and to inform them of career opportunities and scholarship programs is at the core of the NABG’s efforts. To fulfill that objective, the organization has continued to provide networking opportunities that put individuals in the room together with a chance to talk directly with students, faculty, company representatives, college recruiters, and professionals. 

Each year, the above-mentioned annual conference offers workshops and panels filled with  professionals that share their advice and experiences with the students in attendance. In addition,  students are challenged to share their research through oral and poster presentations. A lot of things  that occur at an NABG conference are like those that occur at any other technology conference; however, the attention to each and every student, the time investment in their well-being, and the close-knit bond that develops between mentor and mentee relationships is immeasurable and undeniable. There is some added value when an underrepresented individual has the opportunity to look someone in the eye who has faced similar origins and challenges to the ones that they find themselves facing and to understand that that individual has succeeded despite their situation. The NABG understands that the paths that individuals take to become geoscientists are complicated and that individuals may need a variety of resources from which to draw in order to make their personal dreams a reality. The organization’s goal is to assist and facilitate where it can in an effort to help young geoscientists in their careers and entrepreneurial pursuits.

The NABG is evolving and a new generation of leaders has taken the baton. The future landscape of the geosciences is also rapidly changing and evolving to include additional responsibilities related to public and community concerns and issues. The future is about the difficult balance of the wellbeing of the planet and the prosperity of the human race. Renewables alone will not provide the energy needed and a carbon-free future will unfortunately involve accelerated mining for lithium and other needed elements. The world will need a workforce that has a sensitivity to social needs and a cautious sensitivity to planetary sustainability. Geoscience knowledge and tools will be needed to address challenges related to managing future resources, protecting communities from hazards, and ultimately the climate crisis. The future goal of the NABG is to be at the center of the issues surrounding solutions to impending geoscience problems and to assist in inspiring the technical talent required to meet those future challenges. 

Michael J. Carroll 

NABG Board 

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